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Study on Production and prospects of export of ready-made garments from India (MBA - International Business)

MBA Project Type: International Business

Project ID: 1068

Description: Garment is one of the many labour-intensive sectors that provide a gateway for developing countries to the global market. It offers important opportunities to countries to start industrializing their economies and in course of time diversify away from commodity dependence. The readymade garment industry aims to achieve Rs 80,000 crore in exports in 2013-14, an 8-10 per cent growth from last year's levels. The readymade garment industry aims to achieve Rs 80,000 crore in exports in 2013-14, an 8-10 per cent growth from last year's levels. Some of the major leading brands include Arrow, Allen Solly, Van Heusen, Louis Phillipe, Park Avenue, Zodiac, Lee, Ruf n Tuf, Newport, Peter England, Louis Straus, Stencil, Wrangler, Rod Lever, etc. The aim of the project is to set up service centres at the selected RMG centres that will cater to the needs of the labour market at these selected places. With this initiative, an exploratory study will be planned to be conducted at the selected centres to understand the skill requirements of the employers in the RMG sector.
Project Report Pages: 68

Can be used in: International Business

Project Cost: Rs 2325 / $ 46.5

Synopsis Cost: Rs 350 / $ 7

Delivery Time: Within 12 hours.

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