MBA Project Type: Finance, Banking / Finance
Project ID: 1123
Description: The project has the objective of analysing the critical factors relating to NPA, restructuring strategies and to suggest effective measures to counter the NPA, in the coming years. Now-a-days banks face the problem of bad recovery of loans and advances. Their assets have become Non-performing as they cease to yield income. This affects their efficiency of operation and their profit. This study aims to know about the causes and effects of NPA particularly in S.S.I. and to suggest measures to overcome the level of NPA. The primary purpose of this project is to reduce and control the NPA’s in S.S.I. sector. This study will able to help the bank for tuning the asset to performing status. The bank has been able to maintain a successful, investment programme in SSI units, by ensuring that their portfolio of SSI units has a good financial management record and their ratio’s being above the set standards in management. It is observed as a result of the study that most of the firms are overcapitalized and ways for reducing these cost and it should be suggested.
Project Report Pages: 61
Can be used in: Finance, Banking / Finance
Project Cost: Rs 1750 / $ 35
Synopsis Cost: Rs 350 / $ 7
Delivery Time: Within 12 hours.
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