MBA Project Type: Banking / Finance
Project ID: 1071
Description: A bank has been described as an institution engaged in accepting deposits and granting loans. It is the institution which deals in money and credit. It can also be described as an institution which borrows idle resources, makes fund available to those who need it and helps in cheap remittance of money from one place to another. In the modern time term bank is used in wider term. In this context it would be highly rewarding to examine as to what extent India’s biggest private bank ICICI banks have been successful in promoting its financial products and meeting the needs of customers. More specifically, the attention given to product development, provision of facilities and amenities, internal marketing and various promotional and marketing strategies need in-depth analysis. The present study is an effort in this direction.
Project Report Pages: 72
Can be used in: Banking / Finance
Project Cost: Rs 2475 / $ 49.5
Synopsis Cost: Rs 375 / $ 7.5
Delivery Time: Within 12 hours.
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