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A study on Future of BPO (MBA Marketing)

MBA Project Type: Marketing

Project ID: 1145

Description: Business Process Outsourcing - BPO may not date back to historical times, but the business of outsourcing exist for centuries. It is based on the top 3 things on the minds of business owners and they are to increase top line (sales), to reduce middle line (cost) and to optimize the bottom line (profit). As long as the outsourcing is able to help business owners around the world in the second thing pointed above, outsourcing is going stay. We don’t need to worry about the future of Business outsourcing because of more and more nations adopting English and offering cost advantage, there is a reason to worry. Countries like China and Philippines can be threat from that perspective. However, the English speaking advantage and the technical & non technical talent availability in India is going to stay.
Project Report Pages: 65

Can be used in: Marketing

Project Cost: Rs 1975 / $ 39.5

Synopsis Cost: Rs 350 / $ 7

Delivery Time: Within 12 hours.

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