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A study on customer expectations, experience and satisfactionlevel towards services provided at two-wheeler exchange (MBA Marketing)

MBA Project Type: Marketing

Project ID: 1080

Description: In this present scenario the usage of vehicles particularly in two-wheeler on roads by the people is increasing day by day. For the past four years the two-wheeler industry had seen a tremendous growth in Indian market, this indicates its increasing usage. Due to increase in usage the companies have to fulfill the needs of their customers, so they introduce new models in the market. One of the scheme is EXCHANGE MELA. Here the customers old vehicles are exchanged for new vehicles with special discounts, attractive hire purchase arrangement by the dealer, fair price for the old vehicle etc.. are done to attract the peoples by the dealers. This study is conducted in the field of EXCHANGE MELA, to identify the various factors in mela and the customers expectations, experience and their satisfaction level in the mela and to provide suggestion to improve their show among the other competitors.
Project Report Pages: 67

Can be used in: Marketing

Project Cost: Rs 1500 / $ 30

Synopsis Cost: Rs 350 / $ 7

Delivery Time: Within 12 hours.

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