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Key features of Social Networking sites (MBA Marketing)

MBA Project Type: Marketing

Project ID: 1360

Description: The rapid growth and desirability of Social Networking Sites has been witnessed in almost every country. India considered a fast developing country has not lagged behind. As such, the usage of social media is rampant among citizens and they hail from every class. Indian society has adopted the new age media, i.e., social networking along with maintaining its traditions. It’s an amalgamation of both modernity and tradition. Therefore, Social Networking Sites form part and parcel of everyday life of many Indians. Social Networking Sites like Facebook and Linkedin are the most popular web destinations today. And why not. They provide a platform to people to connect with friends, relatives and acquaintances across the world.
Project Report Pages: 65

Can be used in: Marketing

Project Cost: Rs 2500 / $ 50

Synopsis Cost: Rs 350 / $ 7

Delivery Time: Within 12 hours.

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